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Of course you want what's best for your baby.

But what is best

It’s a loud world out there, sifting though the noise of

social media and all that you “should” be doing. 


It can make you feel anxious or like you need to figure out how to do this parenting thing “right.”


Or maybe you’re pregnant with your second and want to handle things differently but are not sure how. 


I get it, on top if it, you’re juggling household responsibilities, work, looking into how to birth this baby with low to no interventions, and wondering how 3 months of maternity leave is even close to fair. 


I see you mama. It’s a lot. 


But it can be simpler.


Even if you’ve never been a mama before. 


What if I told you you can be the mama you want to be with confidence


And support your baby’s development with ease?


You don’t need to be tracking milestones but instead enjoy the small wins.

And you don’t have to do this all on your own.


How would a postpartum with a strong, thriving baby connected to you, their mama, feel to you? 


Mama, you were MADE for This. 


How do you get to confidence and connection? 

Education and accessing intuition via 


MADE for This.
Mama education community

A six week group. Education + Community.


Together in this mama group, I’ll guide you through creating the experience that you want for your 4th trimester and beyond. We’ll chat through evidence-based approaches to baby's sleep, feeding, general environment, and milestones as well as creating a solid bond and more. 


This group gives you a simple understanding of baby development, bonding, and the impact of their environment. Even better, you get connected to a community of like-minded mamas who are interested in setting their babies up for lifelong success. This group is for you to find the guidance that you want and the support that you need.

Happy Baby


What other mamas experienced

"If you’re a first time mom, or a mom who wants to do things differently for their next child, this group is for you!

Navigating postpartum and parenting can be overwhelming, especially with the comments and unsolicited advice from others. This group not only equips you with the knowledge you want to be the best mama for your baby, but it provides a community of like minded mamas who support each other through any bumps along the way!
Thanks again for everything Lindsay, MADE for This was just what we needed to have the best foundation for journey together!"
- First time mama, BT

My decision to enroll in the MADE group as a second time mother

was simply wanting to thrive.

Personally wanting to thrive as a mom and not just survive, but also, investing in myself for the benefit of my child. My goal was to create as healthy of a mindset and environment as possible for me and baby to set us both up for success.

Joining this group encouraged connections with other women that were far more valuable that I could have imagined. It was a rich, supportive and validating experience to explore healthy baby development with like-minded women who also wanted support for themselves and their new babies. "

- Expecting her second, TA

"I can't thank Lindsay enough. Your support, guidance, reassurance, encouragement, challenges, knowledge, and warm heart have really made an impact on my motherhood journey and I know my baby is set up so much better than if I didn't do MADE for This.

MADE for This helped me create a foundation I never knew could exist.

It provides a lot of light on dark days for mamas."
- First time mama, JM

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Who it's for

You might be a first time mama, wanting to know more about truly supporting your baby and your connection to them but feel a little unsure how that actually looks or what to do. 

You might be a second time or more seasoned mama who wants things to go differently than previous postpartum(s) but don't exactly know how to make the change.

You might fear getting overwhelmed and falling into the same patterns that you so badly want to change.

If you’ve changed your mind on how you want to approach your new baby's sleep, feeding, general environment, boundaries with your family, etc., this group is for you to find the guidance that you want and the support that you need.


And mostly, you are pregnant and proactive about health and wellbeing and you want to:


Understand what is actually necessary for development, stop stressing over doing things right & not obsess over milestones.


Listen to your intuition, trust yourself, and trust your baby


Raise emotionally intelligent children with a strong physical foundation


Do things differently than what's mostly modeled around you


Have a community behind you. You don't need to do this alone. 


What you'll gain 

Together, with like-minded mamas who are parenting differently, we’ll walk through 

The four ingredients that can empower your mothering journey.



Yup, YOU are so important. Society might forget about you postpartum and that’s not ok. 

We prioritize building your intuition, trust, and connection with your baby by setting expectations for baby's sleep and behaviors. We also build your "mama toolbox" by exploring your goals for parenting, setting boundaries with others, and preparing you for tough conversations with parents, friends, and others.



We are our babies' secure base. In this section, you'll learn how to create a secure bond with your little, even when it feels hard. We'll analyze what aspects of your upbringing that you want to continue or leave behind, we'll dive into how we can connect through our senses, and learn to appreciate crying as communication.



 In this section you’ll learn why it’s important to honor nature’s design for birth and development. Knowing a few basics on how babies develop will take you far, help you celebrate the small wins, and create a solid foundation for your baby that will support them lifelong while not clock-watching, tracking milestones, or comparing your baby to others.



We’ll explore how less stuff supports your baby’s growth more. You’ll learn how to set up your home environment for optimal development and explore why you might ditch the swaddle and baby containers. We’ll dive into babywearing, play ideas, and tips and tricks for tummy time. 


Program details: 


During each 6 weeks live online meeting, you’ll get education you’ll use right away as well as feeling seen and heard by other mamas. 

Throughout the week we’ll connect via a private app for community building and bonus education. 

Meet online one time per week June 28th - Aug 2

Who it's with

I’m Lindsay, mama, wife, occupational therapist and fierce advocate for baby’s. I believe parents have the most important job in the world - raising and advocating for your babies (and their future). I feel strongly that mothers should not be forgotten once baby arrives. Every mama has motherly wisdom that is worthy of being awakened and listened to. You are the expert of your baby. 

I’m mama to my rainbow baby boy and I’m a pediatric occupational therapist that has worked with children with delays for over 9 years (over 15 years if you count my pre-OT days).


I believe it’s important to be evidence-based and proactive with our children’s health. It’s alarming to see the increase in developmental delays, autism, and chronic diseases. There are things we can do to support our children, starting in pregnancy. Creating a solid physical and emotional foundation for their future starts with birth and the first year. 


MADE for This provides education and support you are not getting at the doctor’s office or the “baby” section of your birth class. This program shows you the true foundational pieces of supporting your child’s development from an OT that has worked with hundreds of children through stages of development. And it’s not just about physical development, but emotional intelligence too. For you both


The “wait and see” method typically causes a lot more stress, time, and money. This can be avoided by investing early on in their development. Now is the time.


It’s a small investment considering the impact on your postpartum experience and your baby’s foundation for the future. 


Made for This is focused on building your confidence with tangible skills, leading to greater ease during this intense transition to motherhood. This trust in yourself ensues trust in your baby and your relationship. One of the best gifts of all. 


What is the value of that peace of mind to you? 


You can work with me one on one for $125 an hour, tailoring support specifically to your family.


With MADE for This you get over 6 hours, community (mom friends!), and direct access to me throughout the six weeks. We’ll cover everything you need to be the mom you want to be. 

Intentionally,  there is limited availability in the group to remain an intimate experience. 


Join us as we create trust in ourselves, in our baby, and in this community for just $289. 


Bonus opportunity of MADE for This group plus one postpartum session with Lindsay for just $347! 

So what's the investment? 

Bonuses just for you 

  • Sample minimalist registry 

  • Ideas for playing with your baby (sensory play too!)

  • My Top Resources 

  • Reducing your toxic load video 

  • Communicating with parents/caregivers around parenting choices doc

Save your spot

You can continue in the land of

“you don’t know what you don’t know,"

sift through the noise, ignore your gut,

and just do what everyone else is doing.



YOU can feel empowered in the way you choose to support your baby.

When you join MADE for This,

you will get a judgment-free setting with like-minded mamas. 


Within that there will be





Strong baby

Stepping into motherhood feels a whole lot more empowering with knowledge and community behind you. 

  • What's the ideal timing for taking the course?
    Ideal timing is second or third trimester. Otherwise under 3 months postpartum.
  • What if I’ve already had my baby but want to learn this stuff?
    Great! It is optimal to learn this content before baby is 4 months old. If your baby is older, we can connect over a discovery call (free) and see if working together in a different capacity would be beneficial
  • This isn’t my first baby, will I still get something out of this?
    Absolutely! Besides community, many 2nd time+ mamas in this group are looking to do things differently this time around, whether it be finding more ease in the fourth trimester, or experiencing sleep, feeding or navigating family differently. A free discovery call can help clarify things if you'd like!
  • How long do I have access to the course?
    As long as it’s around! So if you need a refresher in postpartum or for baby number 3, come on back!
  • Is there a refund policy?
    Sorry, no refunds
  • My friend is pregnant and would get so much out of this, can I gift this to her?
    Yes, great idea! You can gift this as a shower gift!

Still have questions?

Schedule a free 20 minute call !


You were MADE for This.

When you join the MADE for This group, you will be supported and empowered. You will find what feels right for you and your baby, and feel confident in following this. The early days change so quickly and the adventure awaits. 


Learning more about baby development frees you to enjoy the small wins and stop tracking milestones, comparing your baby, or stressing over the small things. 


As you learn about attachment, you will learn more about yourself as a mama while setting the stage for resiclinancy and trust for your baby. 


When you know how little is needed in your home for your baby, it frees you from clutter, supports attention span and simple ways to engage


As you understand your own nervous systems and boundaries, you’ll see how coregulation impacts you and your entire family. 


When you do this in a judgment-free environment, surrounded by women who want to parent like you, you get a priceless experience that creates a foundation you never knew could exist, for both your baby’s development and your motherhood experience. 

You are just the person chosen to support your baby. YOU are their expert. 


Mama, you were MADE for This!

Save your spot! 

I am here to provide information and encouragement in your parenting journey. I encourage you to think critically, take action, problem solve and advocate for your child and your parenting journey.  Participation in this group does not mean you are receiving occupational therapy services, you are receiving information that can benefit any typically developing child. This group is designed to prepare you for normal baby development and strategies to support their development. It is not all inclusive and does not guarantee your child will not need support, therapy or otherwise, in their lifetime. 

Medical Disclaimer 
This group is not providing medical advice. I encourage you to continue to think critically and explore topics further. I will remind you that you know your child best as you navigate advocating for your child. Always seek medical advice from your physician or development specialist if you have concerns for your child. This group cannot cover every possible abnormality or complication in early life development. The information in this group is designed to prepare you with knowledge of normal baby development, understanding that every baby is different and will have their own unique timeline. 

Testimonials are provided as examples from actual clients of what outcomes could be but are not guaranteed. 

This website is in no way sponsored, administered or associated with Facebook, Inc. or Instagram, Inc. 

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